Kingdom of Kush


The founding members of the Kingdom of KUSH are driven by the belief in establishing trust through the power of mathematics and creating products that are fortified against theft and manipulation. Their vision is to empower humanity by safeguarding their assets and developing products that can set new industry standards. Their ultimate goal is to foster a borderless, universal economy that can benefit the 3 billion currently underbanked individuals.

With a focus on a secure and stable digital national currency, the Kingdom of KUSH aims to create a trusted environment where all digital coins can thrive without fear of interception or theft. The KUSH DIGITAL platform is designed to address the persistent challenges of security, trust, and market liquidity that have hindered the growth of digital currencies.
Through the KUSH DIGITAL platform, blockchain technology companies will have access to a secure pathway for creating blockchain applications and currencies that are immune to hacking attempts. The platform boasts five layers of patent-pending encryption, including two layers of quantum computing attack immunity, providing a robust and highly secure product suite that targets and mitigates potential security breach points in the ecosystem.

By offering this unparalleled level of security, the Kingdom of KUSH seeks to revolutionize the digital currency landscape and foster the growth of a vibrant and trustworthy digital economy that transcends borders, benefiting individuals worldwide.

The KUSH DIGITAL Product Suite:
Superior Security, Faster Transactions, Energy Efficient & Cost Effective

Nubian Coin

The Kingdom of Kush is at the forefront of advancing blockchain technology and digital national currencies. By developing a comprehensive and secure ecosystem, the Kingdom aims to revolutionize the billion-dollar digital national currency market. With its cutting-edge software, the Kingdom of Kush will empower strategic partners to launch digital tokens with ease, reducing operational and liquidity costs while instilling trust through superior security measures.

The secure software offered by the Kingdom of Kush will bring forth faster transaction speeds and improved liquidity, revolutionizing the digital currency landscape. By providing pioneering levels of digital-asset security, the Kingdom of Kush seeks to foster a thriving and trustworthy digital economy, making it a go-to destination for partners and investors seeking a secure and efficient platform for their digital assets. Through these advancements, the Kingdom of Kush aims to lead the way in the rapidly evolving world of digital currencies, creating a future-proof environment that empowers businesses and individuals worldwide.

KUSHCHAIN, the blockchain technology powering the Kingdom of Kush, will boast unparalleled transaction speeds, offering real-time consensus without the need for mining. This cutting-edge blockchain will prioritize privacy and security, ensuring GDPR-compliant encryption to protect user data and transactions.

With its mining-free approach, KUSHCHAIN will eliminate energy-intensive mining processes, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly ecosystem. This blockchain's speed and efficiency will make it a top choice for businesses and individuals seeking a seamless and rapid digital currency experience.

By combining the fastest transaction speeds with state-of-the-art security and privacy features, KUSHCHAIN is set to revolutionize the digital currency landscape, establishing itself as a leader in the blockchain industry and paving the way for a new era of secure and efficient transactions.

KINGDOM-CURRENCY will set a new standard for digital assets by prioritizing robust security measures, making it virtually hack-proof. This digital asset platform and coin will be built upon layers of advanced encryption and security protocols, ensuring the safety and integrity of user data and transactions.

Through the implementation of cutting-edge blockchain technology, KINGDOM-CURRENCY will establish itself as a universal secure store of value, providing users with the confidence and peace of mind that their assets are protected from any potential cyber threats.

The Kingdom of Kush's commitment to creating a secure and trusted digital currency will attract investors and users alike, as they can rely on KINGDOM-CURRENCY for secure and efficient transactions without the fear of hacking or manipulation. This revolutionary approach to digital currency security will further solidify the Kingdom of Kush's position as a leader in the global digital economy.

KUSHWALLET will be at the forefront of digital wallet security, implementing five layers of highly advanced encryption and ephemeral key exchange for each user and device. This customized approach to encryption will ensure that every user's data and transactions are protected with multiple layers of security, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized access or breaches to occur.

By utilizing ephemeral key exchange, KUSHWALLET will enhance security by generating and exchanging temporary encryption keys for every transaction, effectively minimizing the risk of key exposure and enhancing the overall protection of user data.

With this sophisticated security infrastructure, KUSHWALLET will instill confidence in its users, knowing that their digital assets and personal information are safeguarded at the highest level, making it a trusted and secure platform for managing digital currencies and assets.

KUSHXCHANGE stands out as the premier platform for secure and efficient token exchange, offering high liquidity, distributed architecture, and support for high-frequency trading. This cutting-edge exchange provides a secure environment for users to trade digital assets, minimizing the risk of theft and unauthorized access.

KUSH247 sets the new benchmark for ultra-secure tokens, assuring that tokens launched on this standard are protected from interception and theft. By adhering to KUSH247, blockchain projects can confidently launch their tokens with the assurance of robust security measures, promoting trust and reliability in the digital asset market.

Together, KUSHXCHANGE and KUSH247 form a formidable duo that empowers the digital currency market with unparalleled security and liquidity, driving forward the adoption of digital assets and supporting the growth of a secure and trusted ecosystem for all stakeholders.

Indeed, KUSH DIGITAL remains committed to advancing the field of digital currencies by continuously enhancing security measures, improving transaction speeds, optimizing ledger synchronization, bolstering scalability, and increasing throughput. By pushing the boundaries of technology, KUSH DIGITAL aims to set new standards in the digital currency space, providing a secure and efficient ecosystem for users and businesses alike.

Through ongoing research and development, KUSH DIGITAL will stay at the forefront of blockchain innovation, ensuring that its products and services offer the highest levels of security, reliability, and performance. By addressing the industry's challenges head-on and pioneering novel solutions, KUSH DIGITAL seeks to establish itself as a leading force in the digital currency market, fostering trust and confidence in the adoption of blockchain-based technologies worldwide.

Absolutely, the KUSH DIGITAL platform's patented products, including the KUSH247 tokens, will revolutionize the digital currency market by offering a secure and trustworthy environment for users and investors. With the ability to convert new digital security tokens to secure KUSH247 tokens, the platform ensures that all assets within its ecosystem are shielded from interception and theft.

By providing a highly secure and regulated marketplace, KUSH DIGITAL will attract institutional investors and new users alike, fostering confidence in the digital national currency market. The platform's cutting-edge technology and end-to-end encryption will create a strong foundation for the growth and adoption of digital currencies, enabling a seamless and safe experience for all participants.

As the first-of-its-kind platform to establish true trust and confidence in the digital currency space, KUSH DIGITAL is poised to become a leader in the industry, driving innovation and setting the standard for secure and reliable digital asset transactions.



No other product on the market provides this level of protection


End-to end  secure comprehensive solution - chain, coin, wallet and exchange


Protection is unique as DNA and automatically customized specifically for each wallet app and user device


Distributed system of nodes, partners and core BLΔKFX Network


No inefficient and
expensive mining


Turn trustless node
into trusted one


Beyond traditional proof of
stake with additional verification.
Proof of ownership, identity, encryption key and custody


Transform traditional smart contracts into intelligent contracts.
Generate and manage your own secure coin - KUSH247 Standard.
No programming.
Secure, scalable and
Govern smart contract in way never imagined

KUSH DIGITAL Innovations
Based on the KUSHXCHANGE IP 

Kingdom of Kush

The DNA Digital Helix™, the foundational algorithm of the KUSH DIGITAL ecosystem, lies at the heart of a revolutionary security fabric that encompasses all aspects of protection. This comprehensive solution includes cutting-edge innovations to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of data, transactions, and user identities.

Authentication: Robust authentication ensures that devices, users, and software are verified as legitimate entities. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized users and devices can interact with the system.

Hardware Binding: Transactions are fortified with hardware binding, creating a unique fingerprint that links a specific device to a user's account and encryption keys. This binding adds an extra layer of security, mitigating the risk of stolen credentials compromising the account.

Multiple Layers of Encryption: To protect data in transit and at rest, KUSH DIGITAL employs multiple layers of encryption based on advanced mathematical concepts. This multi-layered approach significantly increases the complexity of any potential breaches.

Quantum Encryption: To withstand future quantum computer attacks, the ecosystem incorporates quantum encryption. This advanced form of encryption ensures that even quantum computers won't compromise the security of the data.

Secure Storage: Unauthorized access to stored data is prevented through multilayered encryption techniques. This ensures that even if a compromise occurs, the data remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized parties.

Transaction Verification: Transactions are meticulously verified to guarantee authenticity and detect any alterations or interceptions. This ensures the integrity of all transactions within the ecosystem.

Future Forward Secrecy: Private keys used for data decryption are employed only once through future forward secrecy. This practice prevents compromising additional data in the event of a hack.

With the DNA Digital Helix™ and these cutting-edge security measures, the KUSH DIGITAL ecosystem stands at the forefront of secure digital transactions, providing unparalleled protection for users and data.

Kingdom of Kush

KUSHWALLET P2P Digital Transmissions

Kingdom of Kush


The KUSHCHAIN is a modified version of blockchain that eliminates threats to the system, while still harnessing the benefits of a distributed model. Transactions on the KUSHCHAIN are verified and federated by at least two-thirds of KUSHWALLET holders using a modified Byzantine-consensus model. This ensures the integrity and security of the transactions within the ecosystem.

The use of wallet-to-wallet transaction encryption adds an additional layer of protection to safeguard data during the transfer process. Digital signature verification is employed to validate the origin and integrity of transactions, further enhancing the security measures.

Compared to existing payment services like PayPal and Western Union, peer-to-peer distributed ledger payments via KUSHCHAIN offer superior security, speed, and cost-effectiveness. By eliminating transitional steps, P2P payments are processed significantly faster, making them more efficient than legacy batch processing systems like SWIFT and ACH, which institutional banks still rely on.

One of the advantages of distributed technology and P2P architecture is the utilization of smart contracts. These contracts automate and validate agreements, removing the need for intermediaries and reducing the time and cost involved in contractual transactions. Smart contracts enable businesses to streamline their processes, especially for enterprises that deal with a high volume of communications on a regular basis.

By leveraging the power of the KUSHCHAIN and incorporating smart contracts, KUSH DIGITAL provides a secure, efficient, and cost-effective platform for digital transactions and contractual agreements.

Kingdom of Kush

KUSHchain Features









Kingdom of Kush

KINGDOM - Currency - Digital National Currency Coin

The KINGDOM-CURRENCY, serving as the digital National Currency and official legal tender for the KINGDOM OF KUSH, will be unparalleled in its level of security and stability when launched. With its unique asset-backed security, the currency will derive value from the nation's abundant natural resources and designated program revenue, providing a solid foundation for its worth.

As the Kingdom of Kush progresses in its journey of growth, technological advancements, and infrastructure development, the value of KINGDOM-CURRENCY may potentially increase, similar to how financial vehicles earn interest or how a currency gains strength against other national currencies. This growth in value will be driven by the country's economic prosperity and the wealth generated through its various programs and development initiatives.

Once the Kingdom of Kush attains the status of a sovereign Nation-State, a fully operational Central Bank and an international banking system will be established to facilitate seamless financial transactions on a global scale. As part of this development, the holders of the KUSHITECASH Token will have the opportunity to participate in a conversion event, whereby their tokens can be exchanged for KINGDOM-CURRENCY. The conversion will be offered at a minimum value of $10.00 per KUSHITECASH Token, providing tangible value and recognition to the early investors and supporters of the Kingdom of Kush.

With the KINGDOM-CURRENCY backed by tangible assets and propelled by the growth and prosperity of the Kingdom of Kush, it will stand as a symbol of financial strength and security, making it a compelling choice for investors and individuals seeking a stable and promising digital national currency.

Kingdom of Kush

KUSHITECASH Tokens will undergo a seamless exchange process, transitioning into the KINGDOM-CURRENCY, a groundbreaking and virtually hack-proof digital national currency. This innovative currency is fortified by a triad of patent-pending products, carefully designed to ensure unparalleled security and protection at every stage of its utilization.

KUSH DIGITAL's state-of-the-art technology introduces a new era of secure transactions, safeguarding the KINGDOM-CURRENCY during its movement and storage. The integrated ecosystem encompasses the KINGDOM-CURRENCY coin, the KUSHWALLET as its primary storage, and the KUSHXCHANGE as a secure platform for trading digital assets.

Once in circulation, the KINGDOM-CURRENCY will set itself apart from other digital national currencies. It will harness the power of cutting-edge blockchain technology, elevating its security and efficiency above that of current digital coins and tokens. Moreover, the KINGDOM-CURRENCY will be backed by valuable natural resources, strengthening its intrinsic value and making it an asset of significant importance.

Furthermore, its exchange rate will be determined by the global foreign exchange community, similar to the dynamics of traditional national currencies. This unique combination of advanced technology, asset-backed security, and a decentralized exchange mechanism positions the KINGDOM-CURRENCY as a game-changing digital asset, ready to revolutionize the global financial landscape.

The patents licensed to the Kingdom of Kush represent a significant leap forward in the realm of digital assets and currencies, offering a suite of advancements that will revolutionize transaction speeds and ledger synchronization. Key innovations include real-time currency conversions, a distributed ledger consensus mechanism, dynamic consensus of transactions, a spark-initiated ledger synchronization algorithm, and a multi-tiered/multi-node distributed ledger. These cutting-edge technologies not only elevate digital assets, coins, currencies, and exchanges but also have the potential to enhance the efficiency and security of traditional banking and clearing systems.

The combined product suite will serve as a robust support system for the KINGDOM-CURRENCY, offering next-generation technology that is both secure and energy-efficient. There will be no need for expensive mining operations or prolonged settlement delays, making transactions swift and seamless. The system will provide comprehensive protection against a wide range of threats, including theft, interception, tampering, and transaction denials, with multiple layers of defense, end-to-end encryption, and immunity to future quantum digital attacks.

By ensuring financial data is safeguarded both during transit and while at rest, the KINGDOM-CURRENCY will emerge as a stable and trusted digital national currency. Its unparalleled level of security will foster trust and confidence among users and pave the way for a new era of digital finance, marked by seamless transactions and unprecedented protection against cyber threats.


A digital wallet functions similarly to a traditional bank account, allowing users to store, send, and receive digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies. However, there are important distinctions between the two. When you deposit fiat money in a bank, you technically relinquish control over it, as the bank uses those funds for various purposes, including lending to other customers. What you have is essentially an IOU or a promise from the bank to repay you.

On the other hand, a digital wallet is a software program that securely stores digital assets using a pair of cryptographic keys - a public key and a private key. These keys are essential for conducting transactions and ensuring the security of your digital coins. Owning the private key grants you complete control over the associated digital assets. This means that you have the authority to send, receive, and manage your funds.

The safety and security of a digital wallet depend on how it generates and stores private keys. Private keys are a prime target for attackers, and the protection of these keys through robust wallet security measures and responsible user behavior is crucial. A wallet can be considered secure only if it effectively manages private keys, safeguarding them from unauthorized access and potential theft. By taking the necessary precautions to protect private keys, users can ensure the safety of their digital assets within their digital wallets.

KUSHWALLET Innovations

KUSHWALLET employs cutting-edge technology, backed by patents, to offer users the highest level of security for managing and storing financial assets. To ensure utmost protection, multiple sets of private key pairs and five different symmetric keys are generated and utilized during transactions and while assets are at rest.

Each user's unique device is responsible for executing these security measures, safeguarding against various types of hacks, such as brute force attacks, interception, or impersonation. The KUSHWALLET achieves this through sophisticated encryption techniques that employ multi-cipher and multi-layered algorithms, along with five different symmetric encryption keys for every transaction.

A key advantage of the KUSHWALLET is that private keys are generated on the user's device for each transaction and never leave it or interact with the KUSHEXCHANGE network. This contrasts with centralized exchanges, where private keys are stored on a server, leaving them vulnerable to potential compromises from various network security risks and service provider hacks.

Furthermore, KUSHWALLET incorporates perfect/future forward security (P/FFS) measures. This means that the keys are changed every time the wallet is accessed, similar to how a credit card account number and PIN are changed for each transaction. The implementation of this technology happens seamlessly in the background, ensuring users experience worry-free, state-of-the-art protection for their digital assets.

The KUSH DIGITAL security strategy, including more detailed information on these advanced security features, can be found in the technical white paper, providing transparency and assurance to users about the robustness of the KUSHWALLET and the overall ecosystem.

KUSHWALLET Custody Solutions 

KUSH DIGITAL custody offers a highly secure and multi-layered storage solution for digital assets within a hot wallet environment. This advanced feature not only ensures protection against quantum computing attacks but also allows customers to access their assets in real-time through their mobile devices or laptops. The custody solution eliminates the need for cumbersome cold storage devices, making asset management more convenient for users.

The implementation of the custody solution can be achieved through a partnership with a custodial bank, where KINGDOM-CURRENCY would be securely stored in a custodial wallet hosted on the central bank's servers within the KUSH DIGITAL ecosystem. The wallets are encrypted using multiple symmetric ciphers and are fortified with two layers of protection against potential quantum computing attacks.

Both the custodial banks and KUSH DIGITAL will not have access to the decryption keys used to protect the custodial wallet. Only the owner of the digital assets will possess access to these keys. In one scenario, if the user transfers their assets to the custodial wallet from another KUSHWALLET, the custodial encryption keys are securely stored on the user's wallet. Alternatively, the keys can be exported to paper keys or QR codes and stored in a secure physical safe for added security.

In another scenario, if the user transfers KINGDOM-CURRENCY from a different compatible universal wallet, the account and encryption keys are generated during account creation. The user has the option to export these keys to paper keys for additional security. This level of protection and control ensures that customers have complete ownership and control over their digital assets in the secure KUSH DIGITAL custody solution.


KUSHXCHANGE is set to revolutionize the world of digital asset trading by offering the fastest and most secure platform for high-frequency trading of various instruments, including digital currencies, derivatives, forex, equities, commodities, and more. With an incredible capacity to execute over 15 million transactions per second and extremely low latency of less than 40 nanoseconds, KUSHXCHANGE ensures lightning-fast and efficient trading for its users.

The platform's unparalleled security is the result of a highly experienced founding team with over 40 years of combined expertise in cybersecurity, particularly in financial, banking, and trading systems. Additionally, the team has developed the most secure communications platform globally, ensuring the utmost protection for user data and assets.

KUSHXCHANGE utilizes blockchain technology, employing layers of encryption and digital identities to digitize physical assets. It automates asset management using intelligent smart contracts known as "KUSH Intelligent Contracts™," creating a smart economy within the ecosystem. The platform seamlessly integrates with KINGDOM-CURRENCY, KUSHWALLET, KUSHCHAIN, and KUSHXCHANGE, providing a comprehensive and unified user experience.

Compared to other exchanges that struggle to process more than 1 million transactions per second, KUSHXCHANGE's remarkable performance of 15 million transactions per second exceeds the capabilities of even the NASDAQ exchange software by 15 times. This level of speed and security aims to disrupt the industry and provide customers with an unmatched trading experience. For more in-depth technical information and details about "KUSH Intelligent Contracts™".


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